Crowds lined the streets to cheer the Riverlight Parade.Crowds lined the streets to cheer the Riverlight Parade.
Crowds lined the streets to cheer the Riverlight Parade.

RiverLight Festival weekend features fabulous parade finale in Sleaford

The sun shone on a fantastic finale weekend of arts, music, dance, drama and entertainment at Sleaford’s RiverLight Festival.

Saturday saw the culmination of a week of fringe events celebrating Sleaford’s culture, creativity and heritage centred on the River Slea.

There were activities and live acts at numerous locations including an eco village on Eastbanks promoting environmental issues, cycling, a clothes swish and local nature reserves led by Sleaford Climate Action Network.

Children could join in chalk drawing on the riverside paths and there were suitably-themed dance performances on a revolving turntable.

Bristol Arcade hosted stalls and live music and the Riverside Precinct featured pop-up theatre, circus theatre, as well as dance and cheerleading shows.

There was a silent disco at The Nettles outdoor arts area and there were circus skills workshops and a performance by Circus Starlight on Eastgate Green, as well as a woodland puppet show, henna painting and crafts.

Cogglesford Mill, St Denys’ Church, Sleaford Islamic Centre, Interflora and Sleaford Museum also featured exhibitions, displays, activities and entertainment, as well as the Riverside Church hosting a show by Sleaford Model Railway Society.

Carre Gallery, the library and The Hub hosted exhibitions, dance and music and other art installations were dotted around the town.

The day culminated with a colourful parade through the town to Eastgate Green for more dance performances.

The day ended with a choral concert at St Denys’ Church, DJs at the Barge and Bottle and a programme of four live acts organised by Sleaford’s Shug Studios at The Legion.

Sunday rounded things off with a guided history walk and a grand litter-pick by volunteers.

The RiverLight team of organisers said: “We can’t thank enough everyone involved and for your support in showing up to make the parade the showstopper that it was.”