The Standard is lowered as the Last Post soundsThe Standard is lowered as the Last Post sounds
The Standard is lowered as the Last Post sounds

Picture Gallery: D-Day remembered in Rasen

The Royal British Legion is leading the nation in acts of remembrance to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day and in Market Rasen branch members turned out in force this morning.

The short service, led by Vicar of Market Rasen the Rev Claire Burnett, began at 6.30am, timed to coincide with the time the first boots touch the French beaches in the largest amphibious invasion in the history of warfare.

Wreaths were laid on behalf of the Tealby and Market Rasen Branch of the Royal British Legion, Market Rasen Veterans and the Town, after the Last Post and Reveille were played by bugler Rob Tinker.

Commemorations complete, everyone adjourned to the Advocate Arms, which hosts the regular Veterans Breakfast Club.

Branch Secretary Mick Kenning said that although they are a small branch, they felt it appropriate to remember D-Day in this way.

He said: “Our branch and Vets Club are lucky enough to have Normandy veterans, so we have that direct connection.

"As a combat veteran, I think it is important to understand and to remember the sacrifice made for our freedom – the freedom a lot of people take for granted.

"We didn’t just want it to be another service, so we opted to for 6.30am, in line with those first boots on the ground.

"We can’t let that sacrifice just go, it has to be remembered.”

Mr Kenning thanked all those who attended.

He added: “We thank bugler Rob for giving up his time to make it more of an occasion and Matt, Katie and Tracey at The Advocate Arms for their early start to provide us with a superb breakfast, as always.”