GPS theft series prompt police warning

Lincolnshire Police.Lincolnshire Police.
Lincolnshire Police.
Farmers are being urged to remain vigilant following a recent spate of GPS thefts in the county.

Lincolnshire Police have revealed that there were 16 incidents of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) stolen between February and May this year, with farms in Louth, Spalding, Boston, Grantham, and Lincoln being targeted.

Three men were arrested in connection with some of the recent thefts, and have been released on bail while inquiries are ongoing.

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The damage caused, as well as the amount lost to the theft of the equipment, is believed to amount to hundreds of thousands of pounds, and the NFU has said that the new thefts is “incredibly alarming”.

GPS equipment and components are used to provide precision positioning for cultivation and harvesting operations on farms across the world, and as they are worth thousands of pounds, have become one of the most targeted pieces of farm equipment.

PC James Knychala of the Rural Crime Action Team said: “A typical value for such items is between a few thousand pounds for a low-end product, and tens of thousands of pounds for a top-end licensed unit. When a farmer loses this kit, it not only causes an insurance claim for loss of the kit, but also impacts them as they cannot run their business in the manner they are used to.

“This then causes a loss of earning and a reduced stock, which will ultimately be passed on to the consumer. This equipment is an essential piece of modern farming, especially when farmers are working on very tight margins.”

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Hannah Binns, NFU Mutual Rural Affairs Specialist, said: “This new wave of GPS theft is incredibly alarming, especially as farmers start gearing up for the busy harvest period.

“It is also worrying to hear that thieves are targeting farms who have previously had GPS stolen, especially when considering the financial and emotional impact these crimes have already had on those farmers.”

The National Rural Crime Unit and the NFU are now urging farmers to take all possible steps to protect their GPS equipment, such as removing them from tractors, combines and other machines where safe to do so and lock them somewhere securely when not in use.

“If it’s not practical to remove units from machines, try and park vehicles where they cannot be easily seen. Also consider forensically marking, painting, or scratching your farm name or post code onto the GPS to make them less attractive to thieves and harder to sell on,” Hannah added.

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Lincolnshire Police has released this advice to protect GPS systems from theft:

  • Stay vigilant and follow these security steps to keep your GPS equipment safe.
  • Activate PIN security on GPS kit with your own unique number if it’s available.
  • Mark your postcode on the unit’s case to deter thieves and trace your property back to you.
  • Keep tractors and combines with GPS fitted stored out of site whenever possible.
  • Remove GPS kit when possible, from tractors and other machinery and store it securely when not in use.
  • Record serial numbers and photograph your kit.
  • Check serial numbers of second-hand kit offered for sale.