Gainsborough adventurers double charity target on Three Peaks Challenge

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A team of adventurers from Gainsborough have doubled their fundraising goal by completing the national Three Peaks Challenge for the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance.

The team, led by Craig Belshaw from Gainsborough-based Rix K9 Fuels, a part of Rix Petroleum, raised more than £8,500 for the charity, smashing their original target of £4,000.

The figure is equivalent to two life-saving missions.

The Three Peaks Challenge involves climbing the UK’s three highest mountains, Ben Nevis in Scotland, Scarfell Pike in England, and Snowdon in Wales, in under 24 hours.

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The team completed the Three Peaks Challenge to raise funds for Lincs and Notts Air AmbulanceThe team completed the Three Peaks Challenge to raise funds for Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance
The team completed the Three Peaks Challenge to raise funds for Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance

Not only must those taking part summit all three mountains within the time limit to be successful, they also have to complete a drive of more than 460 miles from the north of Scotland to North Wales in the 24 hours.

Craig, 41, described the challenge as epic, adding that despite being a seasoned marathon runner and hill walker, he had underestimated how hard it would be.

He said: “It was tough going. Not necessarily the physical side, but lack of sleep, spending long hours in a cramped minibus, and trying to eat enough to fuel ourselves, all took their toll.

“But the team spirit was fantastic.

“We all bounced off each other and even those who were struggling stayed in good spirits.

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“We ended up raising enough money to pay for two missions. If that were to save two lives that would be fantastic.”

Craig added that having spent so long planning it, it had been an emotional experience completing the challenge in under the 24-hour deadline.

He said: “There was a big build and now it’s done.

“It’s emotional. I might have to start thinking about what to do next.”

As well as Rix K9 Fuels, the team included members from local companies the Lindum Group, Wren Kitchens, Howdens and ABP.

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Joe Harper, Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance Corporate Partnerships manager, said: “We are incredibly grateful to Craig and his team for supporting us by taking on this incredible challenge.”

You can still make a donation until the end of June by visiting