Seven shops issued closure orders for selling illegal products

A snap from Stop n Shop, Spalding, showing shelves stacked with what police say are 'illegal cigarettes'A snap from Stop n Shop, Spalding, showing shelves stacked with what police say are 'illegal cigarettes'
A snap from Stop n Shop, Spalding, showing shelves stacked with what police say are 'illegal cigarettes'
Police say they are are hoping to “stamp out illegal tobacco and vape sales”

A shop in Crowland, and six others across south Lincolnshire, have been issued closure orders for selling illegal tobacco and vapes.

A spokesperson for Lincolnshire Police explained: “In collaboration with our partners at Lincolnshire Trading Standards, officers visited premises where illegal tobacco and vape products were sold.

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“Court orders were then granted under the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014, at:

• Adams Mini Mart, 8 North Street Crowland

• Stop n Shop, 24 Winsover Road, Spalding

• Nida, 13 Winsover Road, Spalding

• Global foods, 2 Winsover Road, Spalding

• Babany, 17 Winsover Road, Spalding

• Europe store, 46 Holbeach Road, Spalding

• Sweet and vape shop, 5 High Street, Holbeach.”

Inspector Matt Dickinson, South Holland Neighbourhood Policing, said: “The antisocial behaviour and criminality associated with these kinds of shops is not welcome in our county. Together, with our Trading Standards partners and other agencies, we are united in stamping out illegal tobacco and vape sales with unwavering force for the safety of our community here in Lincolnshire.”

Addressing concerns about premises potentially reopening after closure orders expire, Andy Wright, Principal Trading Standards Officer at Lincolnshire County Council, added: “These latest closures bring the total shops currently closed for selling illegal cigarettes and vapes in Spalding and the surrounding area to 13.

"Police and Trading Standards are currently working with premises landlords to provide a long-term solution once Closure Orders expire. Where there is any doubt whether the criminal activity will continue we will have no hesitation applying for Closure Extensions. We hope this will address community concerns about these premises re-opening.”