Work set to begin on enhancing Handley Monument

Handley Monument is set to be enhanced using £165,000 of UKSPF money.Handley Monument is set to be enhanced using £165,000 of UKSPF money.
Handley Monument is set to be enhanced using £165,000 of UKSPF money.
A £165,000 project to enhance a Sleaford monument has been delayed, according to council officials.

Work to illuminate the Handley Monument, a Grade II listed sculpture at the junction of Southgate and Boston Road, was due be finished by Monday, June 10, according to North Kesteven District Council.

However, the authority has since confirmed there is now a small delay while a further necessary permit is acquired.

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The aim is still to have contractors on site imminently once this has been done, said a council spokesman.

The monument, built in the memory of former MP Henry Handley, who died in 1846, will be lit up with LED feature lighting by contractor Lindum Group, and the surrounding area will be spruced up also.

Areas around the monument will be fenced off during these works, as the team will spend a weeklifting the paving to run cables underneath and installing a power box.

People will still be able to walk through the area during these works, but there will be limited access at times for vehicles to the private car park at the back of the Ivy pub.

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New bicycle racks and seating are set to be installed, as well as re-paving of the area around new planters, and an information board detailing the history and impact of Mr Handley, due to be complete by the end of July.

The project has been funded by £165,000 from the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The 65ft Gothic style monument was designed by Birmingham architect William Boyle. Townspeople of Sleaford raised in excess of £900 to pay for its erection in 1857.

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