Sleaford Dementia Support group founding trustee moving on after more than seven years

Rebecca Mezzo.Rebecca Mezzo.
Rebecca Mezzo.
A founding trustee of a dementia support group is saying farewell after more than seven years.

Rebecca Mezzo came on board as one of five founding trustees to help set up Sleaford Dementia Support after other services for locals living with dementia and their carers looked set to end.

She explained that she had worked for the Alzheimers Society in the past and offered her experience but never expected to stay on for so long.

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The Sleaford group has gone from strength to strength over the past seven and a half years, holding weekly meet-ups and activities most weeks.

Rebecca explained she reaches her 60th birthday next year and is getting busier with her Girl Guiding role helping leaders source funding for projects and trips.

She said: “It is a big chunk of my life and I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

The group has seen over 100 people come through its doors - some are no longer alive, said Rebecca, who hoped the community would continue to consider fundraising and donating towards the group’s work, such as buying a North Kesteven Community Lottery ticket.

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There is no charge to attend the group sessions. They have singing and dancing, pottery painting, trips to the seaside, visits from primary schools, a ukulele band, do jigsaws and play games, as well as offering a space where carers can have a break and lift each other’s spirits.“There are really good people involved in the group who are passionate about what they do,” Rebecca said.

To find out more about joining the group call 07761 610664, or email [email protected] or look for them on Facebook.

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