Beckside care home celebrates volunteer Kim’s 40 year milestone

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Beckside, a care home run by The Orders of St John Care Trust (OSJCT) in North Hykeham, celebrated an extra special milestone for their longest serving volunteer Kim Roy, during Volunteers’ Week.Like Volunteers’ Week itself, Kim celebrated her own 40th anniversary of volunteering at the care home this June.

Kim joined Beckside on 1 June 1984 after seeing an ad in her local newspaper inviting people apply to become a volunteer in the home. Kim was looking for something interesting to do in her spare time which would also enable her to meet new people from her community. Initially helping the kitchen team, Kim now helps Activities Co-ordinator Shirley to deliver meaningful, fun activities for the residents. Kim is known for her beautiful singing voice and can often be found singing with residents.

Volunteering continues to be an important part of Kim’s life. She said: “Volunteering at Beckside has been a big part of my life, it has helped me as much as I have helped residents. It has helped me grow my confidence and gives my week structure which is important to me.

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“I am proud of my achievements over the last 40 years, volunteering has taught me lots of things and provided me with experiences I wouldn’t have had otherwise.

Kim celebrates 40 years of volunteering with The Orders of St John Care TrustKim celebrates 40 years of volunteering with The Orders of St John Care Trust
Kim celebrates 40 years of volunteering with The Orders of St John Care Trust

“Forty years is a long time, a lot has changed in my life and at the home in that time, but I have always felt part of the team at Beckside. I recently married my long-term partner and couldn’t wait to tell everyone at the home, they were so happy for me.The relationships I have with residents and the team, keep me coming back. During the pandemic I had to pause my volunteering, and I found it difficult, I missed everyone so much. I look forward to many more years of volunteering with OSJCT.”

Andrea Brooks, Home Manager at Beckside Care Home added: “Kim is an extremely valued member of our team and a delight to have in the home, she gives her all to residents and staff when she volunteers. Residents love her warm chatty manner, and her lovely singing voice. Last year Kim performed at our Christmas concert, singing songs which we could all join in with. We had great fun.”

As well as receiving her long service award at OSJCT’s Volunteer Appreciation event on 4 June, the residents and team at Beckside led special celebrations in Kim’s honour at the care home on Thursday 6 June.

During Volunteers’ Week, OSJCT celebrated all their 607 volunteers, by hosting four Volunteer Appreciation Events, bringing volunteers together from across their 61 care homes.

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